This is just a rant. Random shit that comes to mind. I might even flush some of it out one day.
The United States is a young impatient nation. Many don't even know their own history, or care to learn it.
The US of A has been the sole super power for twenty years, and has played an extraordinary role in shaping the world over the last ninety. Be patient. A few hundred years ago starvation made the head lines. Now it's fat people with health problems.
The US of A has been extremely wealthy throughout our history. We have things that most nations don't even consider producing because they are not as affluent (and bored). Like many things in life the wealth is a blessing and a curse. We have great lives in America at the expense of many people both at home and abroad. Yet we also share the wealth. Grey this area is.
As long as humans are violent there will not be peace. Los Angeles riots when the Lakers win championships, and beat up Giant fans at Dodger stadium. This occurs in an affluent society with enforceable laws, and are some of the minor threats we've seen across America. Wars like Afghanistan and Iraq are chalk full of atrocities, but the end results may be worth the price. The revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa are no less violent, but hopefully the results will be better.
World War II is the ultimate example of what good can come from war. That event brought the world into the future that is today. Nation based warfare is at an all time low, and has not involved super powers directly since the Korean War. Nuclear deterrence and globalization are huge contributing factors to this--both got a good kick in the ass after WWII. Millions died and any war is horrible. This doesn't mean it should be ignored. War/violence will occur it is best to learn about it and contain it. Most impressively the rising global middle class has changed the outlook of war. Gang warfare is what we are experiencing, but on a much larger scale.
America should starting sending bills to all the nations that benefit from our military.
Fox news lies to your face. Everyone else beats around the bush. Only a handful actually contribute to the news. CNN tells you what's on Twitter, and invents stupid gimmicky stories. Buzzer beaters, and text voting distract from real reporting--even if that gets less ratings. I hear news shows make plenty of ad revenue anyway. MSNBC made me laugh when an anchor told a talking head to stop giving so many details cause it gets confusing....really? At least Jon Stewart will have plenty of material until he's ready to retire.
I like good food and beer. Play videogames, and attend drum n' bass shows frequently. I can fly 3,000 miles in less then six hours. I have indoor plumbing, and don't have to grow my own food. Even if I had no money I could still get food. If America can be so good to me, and so many other people, then how evil can it truly be? Bad people, stupid decisions, and all sorts of things do occur. Don't stop fighting the bad, but remember what your fighting for. Don't forget the good stuff too.