Before the debate I was undecided. Afterwards I saw my choices clearly. Do I want Mrs. Whitman who is Arnold Part Deux? Or do I want to give Mr. Brown another term? The former is the independent businesswoman who will run the state like Ebay, and show those career politicians how it is done. The later has held the Governors seat twice, and his public record has many failures. Meg has great fiscal ideas (awesome), but seems to follow party lines on social issues (bummer). John has a sense of humor (super), but as mentioned before has many failures (doh).
Mrs. Whitman stated many great ideas. I loved her plan for a two year state budget. It makes sense. A two year budget will grant the state significant time to work on non-fiscal issues. I also agree with her notion to stream line the business red tape, and the tax cut to manufacturers. My only concern is a lack of environmental oversight if more manufacturers make California their home. I'm also not convinced she has any genuine plans that will actually cut out the red tape for businesses.
Mr. Brown also had some great ideas. He mentioned that the state government should "live within its means." He wants to reduce the salary of top state officials, and close the back room deals of previous budgets. He stresses his experience, and ensures the public that he can trim down the costs of government. BUT (and that's a big one) he hasn't had the best fiscal track record. He has come into office with a surplus to leave with a deficit. That's a hard sale to a populace experiencing a recession.
Besides the money each honey illustrated their character. Jerry was a charismatic career politician. He had a sense of humor, and provided ample evidence that he understood state politics. When asked about state pensions he mentioned that if everyone worked as long as he did the pension program would have a surplus. When confronted about his past ambitions he mentioned his settled down life with his wife, and his desire to remain in California till he meets his maker.

Soon it will be time for California to pick their poison. Do they want the career politician, or the CEO of Ebay? Neither seems to have any relevant solutions to the states problem. The one elected will still have to manage the states legislator (the asshats who really screw things up), and convince the population to vote on many new reforms. As of this post I'm leaning towards Jerry Brown. The previous outsider hasn't done jack shit. Maybe this state needs that old crazy man who has nothing left to lose.
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